invisalign teen laramie wy

Dr. Callie Holwegner is an expert provide provider of Invisalign Teen near Laramie WY. The team at Braces Wyoming understands that traditional, metal braces can be a cause of embarrassment for some teens. Invisalign Teen provides a clear alternative to traditional braces.

Invisalign Teen Laramie WY

There are many benefits to choosing Invisalign over other forms of braces. They include:

  • Removable: The aligners can be removed to allow for easy maintenance of dental hygiene, but can also be taken out to eat.
  • Nearly Invisible: Because the aligner trays are clear and far less conspicuous than traditional, metal braces, they are the top choice for those who choose to pursue orthodontic treatment as adults.
  • Shorter Treatment Length: Invisalign Teen tends to require less time than typical, metal braces.

Dr. Callie Holwegner and her wonderful staff understand that each patient is different. We evaluate our patients entirely as individuals in order to determine if Invisalign Teen is the best course of treatment for your child’s dental condition. Contact us to begin the journey to your most beautiful smile, today!

Dr. Callie Holwegner and the team at Braces Wyoming are experts in Invisalign Teen near Laramie WY. If you have any questions pertaining to Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, braces, or clear braces in Laramie WY, Cheyenne WY, Wheatland WY, Torrington WY, or Pine Bluffs WY, or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Braces Wyoming at (307) 638-8958.
